Everything Good that Google M Offers in one List


Google has just unveiled the next version of its mobile operating system, Google M and from first looks, it looks promising. Some specialists are summing it up to be the evolutionary step Android 6.0 needed.

Google held it’s I/O Developers conference 2015 just  yesterday and along with a few other announcements, they made the much awaited announcement about the conceptualization of the Google M. While the improvements are mainly made on the backdoor level, from fixing up thousands of bugs to notching up the interface a bit; users will get greater control over their privacy settings and Google will also introduce a few new services to enhance user experience.

Google MNonetheless, there are a few distinct features that make Google’s new operating system stand out, and to list them out, they would be:

Better Privacy Settings:

The new operating system addresses concerns about third-party apps’ access to smartphone and tablet data by making it easier for users to control the permissions given to each app.

Android-MIn the future, apps will not ask for permission to access to location data, contacts, calendar, camera, microphone and other sensors at the time of installation, but rather, at the time when it first needs to use these sensors. Users will also have the option to visit settings later on and review the permissions each app is using and revoke the ones they dont want it to.

Extended Battery Life:

Extending the battery life of smartphones has stood out to be the main challenge for all smartphone OS developers. While Apple has failed again and again to meet the required standards, Google has had shown better performance in the conservation of battery life.

Google Battery

The longer battery life will be achieved via a new feature called Doze, which will suspend apps if the device’s sensors indicate it is not being handled leaving only notifications and alarms to function.

The firm said tests indicated that its Nexus 9 handset could last up to two times longer between charges as a result.

Google Photos:

Although this is essentially just an app and has nothing to do with the operating system itself, its noteworthy because the Google M version for this app will be much superior than the one that is already available.

The software  runs on both Android and iOS and is awesome because it automatically organises user’s pictures and self-made movies, which are stored on Google’s computer servers. Users can use these servers to save an unlimited amount of photos, up to 16 megapixels in quality, and videos, up to 1080p HD resolution, free of charge!

The app can also recommend and create montages set to music, while creating links that allow others to see streams of selected images.

Android Pay:

Google has always tried to make it more easier for people to pay to download the paid apps on Play store which is why Google Wallet was introduced a couple of years back; however, that didn’t turn out to be very successful and Google needed to come up with an alternate method.

Google MHowever the Android Pay system looks very promising because with it, you will be able to pay via your device from your cell phone balance. Google says in its keynote that it will expand Android Pay by partnering with mobile providers to pre-install the feature on new devices. Partners include T-Mobile, Verizon and AT&T. To authenticate payments, you can use your fingerprint to verify your identity. The feature is yet to be fully developed though.

Improved Assistance:

Google is using Now on Tap to make it even easier for users to get assistance using their device. For example, if your friend texts you about dinner at a new restaurant, without leaving the app, you can ask Google Now for help. Using just that context, Google can find menus, reviews, help you book a table, navigate there, and deep link you into relevant apps.

Way Better Virtual Experiences:

Google is making a big push into virtual reality today with an updated and very economical Cardboard module, which will allow you to virtually visit locations and enjoy 360-degree video.

Google MFirst up, a new feature called Expeditions works like a virtual field trip for classes, where teachers can set a destination and allow students to follow with their own Cardboard devices. Google showed a demo video in which a class took virtual trips to Venice and the Great Wall of China. You can use it for yourself to go on daring visits anywhere in the world and get life-like experiences. So, its like putting on the module and going on to an adventure without having to pack your bags.

Android M

The company also announced an exciting partnership with GoPro to design a camera rig system called Jump. This setup with 16 GoPro cameras creates a 360-degree field of view that you can look around with a Virtual Reality device.


