Fall TV guide 2013

The Game of Thrones
The Game of Thrones

Fall is favorite to most of us not just because we get a break from the horrid summer but also cause holidays are bountiful during this time. Lucky for the series buffs that many brilliant (read awesome) TV series air during this time and the last thing we need to worry about is how to spend the fall holidays.

Since fall is already in town, here are some good shows you could watch to enjoy your time well.


Although the list isn’t in order but I would any day put Sherlock atop of my favorite shows list. The reason? Watch it and you’ll know. Benedict Cumberbatch’s superlative portrayal of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s most notable creation Sherlock Holmes combined  with extraordinary direction, cast, performance, screenplay and cinematography results in a mind-boggling show- BBC’s Sherlock.


Sherlock is true awesomeness in human form- witty, fearless, cold, emotionally challenged yet adored by audiences. This is a show you don’t want to miss. Season 3 airs soon this fall.


Those who have watched the movie Silence of the lambs or any movie of the series would be familiar with this character where Anthony Hopkins portrayed the most amazingly vicious villains of all times. But this series is nothing like the movie.

Hannibal centers around the relationship between Hannibal Lecter, a psychopath and psychiatrist, and FBI’s special agent Will Graham who has incredible imagination power of perfectly visualizing crimes upon viewing the crime scene.


Anthony Hopkins is Hannibal Lecter, period. However this show in itself is outstanding with mind-twisting plots in each episode, somewhat resembling the film noir genre where crime is stylized. The show is high on gruesomeness and is not for the faint hearted.

Game of Thrones:

An already very popular show, Game of Thrones is about power, vengeance, lust and lot of blood. Based on the popular novel series A Song of Fire and Ice by George R. R. Martin, game of thrones extravagantly brings the twisted tales of kings, dragons and lost kingdoms to the audiences. The show is not lauded just for the story but for the characters with their terrific performances and dialogues “There is a beast in every man, and it stirs when you put a sword in his hand”- get the idea?

Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones

The Originals:

A spin off from The Vampire Diaries The originals will have Klaus and his siblings as the main protagonist. TVD fans would be familiar with the gravity of Klaus’ character as the most powerful supernatural creature in the world (he is a hybrid you know- vampire+werewolf and immortal!). Klaus is cold and ruthless; you don’t want him as his enemy which the TVD cast learnt the hard way, yet his character has many more layers and isn’t all that polarized. Infact there is so much to his character that the makers of TVD gave him his own show and boy, he deserved it.

The Originals
The Originals

This show is not about teenage vampire love but more serious adult issues infact. It promises more blood and a lot more thrill; with the able Joseph Morgan playing Klaus I wouldn’t doubt it.


Showered with multiple Emmy’s and other awards Homeland is about Clairre Danes, a CIA agent and Nicholas Brody, a US marine. Clairre is bipolar and impulsive pushing the CIA lines while Brody who had been held captive by Al- Qaeda gets converted and sent back to the US only to work for them. The story centers around Brody’s actions upon returning to the States from captivity and Claire’s relationship with him and the CIA. The gripping storyline matched right by great performances and is very believable since we all know more or less about what followed the 9/11 incident.


Most of these shows belong to the genre of Thrillers and fall chills are the perfect time to enjoy thrillers. Well fall or not you’ll enjoy watching these mind-blowing works anytime of the year given you’ve a taste for good shows (sorry for judging). Having a day in wouldn’t be all that bad if these shows make up your to-watch list.

