2011 commenced a revolution for a new world


World as we call it isn’t the same as it initially was. From monkey to human, from natural breeze to air conditioner, and from leaves to jeans. But, the will of making life easier is the same as the very beginning. Now our life is mostly dependent on Technology. We can see that, from the past 40-50 years, Technology is evolving in a high rate, especially from the 90’s.

The evolution doesn’t stop here.2011 introduced some elegant technologies to make life easier and more digital.

The streaming cloud

Now people can carry their personal collection on the go and they don’t need to carry their laptop or flash drive. Now people can stream movies or music whenever they want to in any device. Expiring downloads will still make sense for plane trips and other places where the network is spotty.

You wont be bothering to manage all the download rights for the songs you buy from iTunes between your iPhone, Ipod, or laptop,when you could start streaming by signing in from anywhere. Just think Netflix streaming applied to all media. If Google or Apple can convince the record companies to come along for the ride, the streaming revolution will hit music as well, with both working on jukebox-in-the-sky services.

Mobile Wallet

Mobile Companies like Nokia, Apple, and others are trying to put payment system to mobiles. Both Apple and Google are exploring this opportunity. Google bought mobile payments startup Zetawire to gain experience and the latest Android phone, the Nexus S, comes with an NFC chip—the same kind that is embedded into credit cards and lets you pay by waving it over a wireless reader. Even Iphone5 will also have an NFC chip.

Microsoft Tablet

Microsoft is more known as a software developer than a hardware maker. They have recently been considering plunging into the tablet market. It is believed that Microsoft is going release their first tablet, this year.

Arches Arnova

It introduced a new level of clock radios.It sports a 3.5 inch touchscreen and comes ready to connect you to world of music with over 12,000 streaming stations and 1,500 web televisions stations and the built-in SD slot allows you to enjoy your personal collections. It’s even got a FM receiver if you’re feeling nostalgic.

I Grill

Have you ever imagined to prepare a meal without standing near your stove. Surely not. The iGrill is a Bluetooth-enabled wireless cooking thermometer that works with your iPhone or iPad. Stick the sensor in your meat and sync the base station with your iGadget of choice, and you can even monitor your food from up to 200 feet away.

Having all that said, I think you will agree when I say “2011 is going to be one heck of a year!!”.

