Who would have thought that at the beginning of this century man would surpass all eccentricities and go out of the way to spend a large chunk of his income on the bathroom?! Not only has the whole opinion on the designing of one’s abode changed heavily,it has also created a platform for people to express themselves as human beings in a fun,artistic way ,be it by trying a hand at the designing themselves or calling in a professional.

As people become busier day by day,it becomes extremely hard for one to find time to drop in at the spa or afford to go to one too! All you need to do is get those creative brain cells pumping and transform your surroundings to make that long trip to the spa a few ,tiny steps inside your own house!

When it comes to designing a bathroom,a huge vista of possibilities lie before you.Where your own ideas come into play, almost anything is possible. It is advisable to start first with the size of your bathroom. Of course, if it is big,a lot can be done regarding the fittings and accessories.A small one.however ,can be made to look just as pretty if one’s knowledge of balance in space proportions is good.

When the above word is displayed,one can picture a nice,beautiful and big jacuzzi with underwater lighting,hot springs,whirlpool and other added accessories dominating the interior. NOT to forget, the classy display of washbasins,singular or his/her, in ceramic or glass–which are more widely used these days, topped with extravagantly designed taps in silver or gold hues to complete the look.
Being playful:

Choosing the colour for the wallpaper or ceramic tiles for your bathroom can be a hassle.Keeping in mind the dimensions of the room, dark colors and bold prints are more preferable for big bathrooms whereas for smaller ones light colours–like shades of earthy brown do the trick.For a funkier look, one can sport a colorful array of textures for the layout and matching fittings but do make sure the color of your accessories got with it like–the towels,toilet paper holders ,racks , cabinets, toothbrush holders,antique/artistic mirrors etc.
Absolute serenity:

Candles,candles!You can find them almost in all lifestyle related shops and in outlets of some of the biggest names in fashion and lifestyle like Aarong ,in a wide array of fragrances,shapes and colors.So light up your bath and feel the neat and perfect ambiance surround you… Who said candles are the only key? You can choose from a wide variety of crisp,funky or sophisticated lighting pieces for a glam look that will keep you feeling ready to be on cloud nine!
Final touch:

A perfect escapade is incomplete without books and certainly without music.! So get that docking system of yours playing your favorite tune and a stylish rack for keeping interesting magazines and novels of your perfect taste!

