Band in Focus(Bangladesh): Rajotto


Being a patriot is not about overlooking all the problems in your country and uttering out ‘loving remarks’ about your country. NO, its about discussing about its problems, making people aware, and constantly attempting to make things better. Saying that, is proud to present you the stories of two patriotically rebellious, musical geniuses, CK TOFF (Towfique) and Faisal Roddy. Both of them were affiliated with music from a very young age and as the sands of time flowed, they both moved on to the United Kingdom where they came across each other and formed their joint venture Rajotto.

From the very beginning, Rajotto’s stance was against corruption, abject poverty, and with lyrics consisting of words from the vast range of Bengali vocabulary; their fusion Hip Hop songs soon won the hearts of almost each and every Bengali hip hop listener out there. Their two most popular tracks Bidrohi and Desh O Durniti had been widely praised by listeners all over the world and the music videos that followed to these two tracks were also big hits. Desh O Durniti is a track that will touch the hearts of any Bangladeshi, with a touch of rock music on the beats, melodious hooks by Faisal Roddy while CK Toff literally scorches the beat with his gifted flow, and words that are as true as it gets. I can personally guarantee that the lyrics of this track will flabbergast even the most stone hearted corrupted politician out there. The track Bidrohi is also a track against corruption and war criminals, where the artists give a warning to the war criminals and politicians about public trials and revolutions, both the tracks are musical masterpieces; the music video of Desh O Durniti is cinematographically flawless and comprises of scenes that will get your eyes moist. Scroll Down to the bottom to watch the music video.

Take a Listen to Rajotto’s Track ‘Bidrohi’:




Other tracks by Rajotto such as Atto Kothon, Protisruti, etc also share the same message against corruption, hypocrisy, injustice, and difference of social classes; all with a different approach, but all share the same shameful truth about our beloved motherland. While their track Nagordola familiarizes the audience familiarizes the audience with the versatility this awesome duo can produce, with a more softer and romantic touch in the song.

Take a Listen to Rajotto’s Track ‘Nagordola’:




Rajotto is an example that every youngster should follow, whether you want to be a musician or not, whether you want to be a rapper/emcee or not, doesn’t matter, the point is to do something for your country; how you want to do that depends completely upon you. But do remember something, since the time you were born, your country has provided you with a lot, if you don’t think of doing something for it and giving something back to it. Then, well, you are what they call a SELFISH BASTARD! (I really could not find a better phrase). We urge every musician out there to follow Rajotto’s footsteps and make songs regarding the country; music inspires, music reveals, music revolts, and as of now, our latest generations are in dire need of their eyes being opened to all the truth regarding our nation.


As for now, gives Mr. Faisal Roddy and CK Toff, the utmost of respect. And, with an intense dedication towards Bangladesh, aggressive approach in music with the words being the epitome of truth, Rajotto is our Band in Focus (Bangladesh) for the month of February.


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