Cryptic Fate- Noy Mash Album (Track: Bhor’er Opekkha)

Bhor er Opekkha
Bhor er Opekkha

Cryptic Fate has always been famous for its ability to play around with music. Starting off with a typical heavy metal sound in Ends Are Forever, the band shifted to an experimental/progressive side of the game in Danob but they seem to have gone lost in record industry after that. Reviving through live performances and gigs, the band has promised everyone a true and old-school heavy metal sound in their new album and exactly that has been delivered on the eve of 25th March with the release of Bhor’er Opekkha.

On the 31st of December, last year, Cryptic Fate announced that they are going to draw an end to the drought of new originals by releasing a cumulative of 26 tracks in 2013. Owing to that promise, last month the band declared that they will be releasing a concept album in the name of “Noy Maash”. They also announced that the album will be about the Liberation War of 1971 and the album will depict pictures of struggles made by the liberators and innocent people alike, which gave birth to this beautiful Motherland we call Bangladesh.

Staring with this idea, the band came out with the first track of the album called “Bhor’er Opekkha”. The song mainly concentrates on the dark night of 25th March, 1971, when the West Pakistan army infiltrated with arms and brutally murdered hundreds of innocent lives which gave rise to a full-fledged war. The song encourages Bangladeshis to stay strong throughout the dreadful night and to fight the evil forces, rather than waiting for night break, for dawn is still far away.

The song starts with a pinch of Iron Maiden, with dual-riffs by Mr. Farhan and Mr. Sarfaraz on guitars and the rhythm section controlled by the front man Shakib Chowdhury on bass, along with Mr. Farshed on drums. The band seems to keep its’ promise by sounding like a complete old-school heavy metal act, starting from the riffs to the transitions. The song is deemed to be a complete hit among true metal lovers – the sound gives off a metal vibe with the originality of guitar tones maintained by Fate. The song also consists of trademark high-pitched vocal by Mr. Shakib, adding to the rawness of both the theme and the track.

A garage video was released a day after online release of the track in the website of Incursion Music, which shows the mighty Cryptic Fate performing the track inside Incursion Music Headquarters, being as classy and scary as they are. The garage video has been released to compliment the online release as of now, which will be accompanied by a formal video release later on in the future. Both the video and the online bKash download of Bhor’er Opekkha can be found in the official Incursion Music website.

The band also plan to release 9 songs, starting with Bhor’er Opekkha, on each month till December 2013 and finally releasing the full length record later in that month. They also announced that they will be coming out with their previously announced full length album name “Jantrik Golojog” in June next year. All in all, this will turn out to be a great year for the Fate fans where they simply cannot get enough of Cryptic Fate. We at youthsparks are looking forward to all the releases with great anticipation, we hope you are too!

